Harga Perlengkapan Kantor dan Sekolah Merk Bantex
Alat Tulis Kantor (ATK) Berkualitas Bagus
Tempat Jual Alat Tulis Kantor (ATK) Grosir dewasa ini semakin mudah dicari apalagi dengan menggunakan akses internet. Meski informasi yang diperoleh cuma hal-hal dasar seperti alamat dan ketersediaan stok, setidaknya calon pembeli tak lagi kesusahan untuk bertanya ke sana ke mari atau menghabiskan banyak waktu demi mendapatkan harga ideal. Semuanya dimungkinkan hanya dengan mengandalkan mesin pencari Google di browser masing-masing.
Menemukan harga yang ideal tentu saja cukup memusingkan jika sebelumnya tak punya gambaran sama sekali perihal produk yang akan dibeli. Sementara itu, pertimbangannya juga bukan sekadar harga karena ada faktor penting lainnya yaitu mutu alat tulis kantor yang hendak dibeli. Rata-rata pembeli produk ini sekadar mengikuti kebiasaan yang sudah-sudah misalnya dari segi merek atau bahkan pihak penjualnya. Produk semacam alat tulis kantor memang cenderung dianggap sama di mana-mana. Yang penting bisa digunakan sesuai fungsinya dan jika rusak langsung dibuang. Setiap perlengkapan tulis menulis pasti ada usianya. Namun sampai berapa lama mereka bisa bertahan? Itulah pertanyaan penting yang mesti dijawab.
Kaitan antara usia produk alat tulis kantor dengan mutu sangat erat. Beberapa tipe alat tulis kantor dibuat dari material yang bisa bertahan cukup lama. Namun banyak juga yang dibuat seperti asal-asalan sehingga dalam beberapa bulan atau kurang saja sudah rusak. Material produk yang kurang bagus memang berpengaruh pada usia pemakaian. Tetapi harganya yang lebih murah dari rata-rata cenderung lebih menarik perhatian.
Kita wajib mengantisipasi kerugian lebih besar akibat anggaran untuk pembelian alat tulis kantor yang lebih baru dalam selisih waktu singkat. Jauh lebih baik jika membeli perlengkapan alat tulis kantor dengan harga wajar dan mutu standar dibandingkan dengan yang harganya murah namun cepat rusak. Toh, membeli produk kelengkapan alat tulis kantor grosir pun lebih masuk akal karena ada potongan harga tertentu.
Kesimpulannya, jangan asal beli alat tulis kantor dengan bandrol harga sangat miring sebelum mengecek mutunya. Sebaiknya setiap perusahaan punya standar atau kriteria tertentu berdasarkan mutu demi efisiensi pengeluaran biaya berkala.
Katalog Daftar Harga ATK merk: Bantex Pertanggal 1 Januari 2023
khusus untuk custumer: Umum
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 8009-10 Artist Portfolio Cases A3 Black | Pcs | 126900 |
Bantex 8013 2T Poly Wallet Case A4 withButton | Pcs | 31900 |
Bantex 8014 2T Polywallet Cheque with Button Check W/Button | Pcs | 23800 |
Bantex 8015 2T Poly Wallet Case F4 with Button | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 8035-08 PP Pocket 20 pcs x A4 2035 / 0.06 mm | Set | 27800 |
Bantex 8040-08 Pocket 2040 A4 0,06 mm PP Clear : 20 Pcs | Set | 33800 |
Bantex 8044-08 PP Pocket 20 x FC 2044 / 0.06 mm | Set | 34100 |
Bantex 8073-08 Multiholes Zip Pocket B5 /PP material | Pcs | 10500 |
Bantex 8205-00 Tack-All Sticky Stuff 50 gr | Set | 28000 |
Bantex 8210-00 Glue Stick 8 Gr | Pcs | 6500 |
Bantex 8211-00 Glue Stick 22 Gr | Pcs | 13300 |
Bantex 8212-00 Glue Stick 35 Gr | Pcs | 18400 |
Bantex 8215 Ring Binder 1321 A4 2O-20mm | Pcs | 29700 |
Bantex 8221-01 Ring Binder 1222 A5 2D-25mm Blue | Pcs | 23200 |
Bantex 8222 Ring Binder 1222 A4 2D-25mm | Pcs | 31000 |
Bantex 8223 Ring Binder 1222 FC 2D-25mm | Pcs | 36400 |
Bantex 8224 Ring Binder 1322S A5 2R-25mm | Pcs | 23000 |
Bantex 8225 Ring Binder 1322 A4 2O-25mm (1") | Pcs | 31900 |
Bantex 8226 Ring Binder 1322 F4 2R-25mm | Pcs | 36200 |
Bantex 8242 Ring Binder 1224 A4 2D-40mm | Pcs | 55200 |
Bantex 8243 Ring Binder 1224 FC 2D-40mm | Pcs | 59800 |
Bantex 8252 Ring Binder 1225 A4 2D-52mm | Pcs | 45400 |
Bantex 8253 Ring Binder 1225 FC 2D-52mm (2") | Pcs | 48100 |
Bantex 8262 Ring Binder 1226 A4 2D-65mm | Pcs | 50700 |
Bantex 8263 Ring Binder 1226 FC 2D-65mm | Pcs | 55900 |
Bantex 8322 Ring Binder 1232 A4 3D-25mm | Pcs | 37300 |
Bantex 8342 Ring Binder 1234 A4 3D-40mm | Pcs | 43600 |
Bantex 8352 Ring Binder 1235 A4 3D-52mm | Pcs | 59200 |
Bantex 8362 Ring Binder 1236 A4 3D-65mm | Pcs | 66000 |
Bantex 8422 Ring Binder 1242 A4 4D-25mm | Pcs | 39500 |
Bantex 8442 Ring Binder 1244 A4 4D-40mm | Pcs | 46700 |
Bantex 8452 Ring Binder 1245 A4 4D-52mm | Pcs | 60100 |
Bantex 8512-07 Insert Ring Binder 5221 A4 2D-20mm White | Pcs | 37600 |
Bantex 8521-07 Insert Ring Binder 5222 A5 2D-25mm White | Pcs | 25600 |
Bantex 8522-07 Insert Ring Binder 5222 A4 2D-25mm White | Pcs | 37500 |
Bantex 8523-07 Insert Ring Binder 5222 FC 2D-25mm White | Pcs | 45500 |
Bantex 8542-07 Insert Ring Binder 5224 A4 2D-40mm White | Pcs | 42000 |
Bantex 8543-07 Insert Ring Binder 5224 FC 2D-40mm White | Pcs | 46500 |
Bantex 8552-07 Insert Ring Binder 5225 A4 2D-52mm White | Pcs | 51800 |
Bantex 8553-07 Insert Ring Binder 5225 FC 2D-52mm White | Pcs | 55700 |
Bantex 8562-07 Insert Ring Binder 5226 A4 2D-65mm White | Pcs | 56800 |
Bantex 8563-07 Insert Ring Binder 5226 FC 2D-65mm White | Pcs | 63000 |
Bantex 8605-07 Insert Ring Binder 5330 A4 3O-16mm White | Pcs | 36600 |
Bantex 8610-00 Cardboard Divider A5 Potrait , 5 DIV | Set | 5000 |
Bantex 8622-07 Insert Ring Binder 5232 A4 3D-25mm | Pcs | 43400 |
Bantex 8642-07 Insert Ring Binder 5234 A4 3D-40mm White | Pcs | 49300 |
Bantex 8652-07 Insert Ring Binder 5235 A4 3D-52mm White | Pcs | 65300 |
Bantex 8662-07 Insert Ring Binder 5236 A4 3D-65mm White | Pcs | 72000 |
Bantex 8722-07 Insert Ring Binder 5242 A4 4D-25mm White | Pcs | 45300 |
Bantex 8742-07 Insert Ring Binder 5221 A4 4D-40mm White | Pcs | 52800 |
Bantex 8752-07 Insert Ring Binder 5245 A4 4D-52mm White | Pcs | 66400 |
Bantex 8762-07 Insert Ring Binder 5246 A4 4D-65mm White | Pcs | 79300 |
Bantex 8811-09 PP Expanding File Check size 12 POC.4303 Red | Pcs | 48300 |
Bantex 8815-01 Plastic Clipboard F4 Blue | Pcs | 28400 |
Bantex 8843-08 Pocket FC 0.06mm PP Clear : 20 Pcs Transparent | Set | 36000 |
Bantex 8843-08G Pocket FC 0.06mm PP Clear : 100 Pcs Transparent | Pack | 178500 |
Bantex 8850-00 Colour Paper Clip (80 pcs) | Set | 22700 |
Bantex 8852-08 Slanted Sign Holder A4 | Pcs | 84200 |
Bantex 8853-08 Slanted Sign Holder A5 | Pcs | 56600 |
Harga ATK merek: Bantex19 Okt 2022
khusus untuk custumer: Umum
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 8854-08 Stand up Sign Holder A4 | Pcs | 90200 |
Bantex 8855-08 Stand up Sign Holder A5 | Pcs | 56400 |
Bantex 8856-08 Slanted Name Plate Holder | Pcs | 42400 |
Bantex 8857-08 Slanted Sign Holder A8 | Pcs | 14500 |
Bantex 8858-08 Tissue Dispenser | Pcs | 192500 |
Bantex 8859-08 Business Card Dispenser | Pcs | 83500 |
Bantex 8863-64 ID Card Landscape + Lanyard Mango | Pcs | 13800 |
Bantex 8864 ID Card Landscape + Clip | Pcs | 12500 |
Bantex 8865 ID Card Potrait + Landyard | Pcs | 13800 |
Bantex 8866 ID Card Portrait + Clip | Pad | 12500 |
Bantex 8870-00 Flexi Tab 5 Neon Colours 12x45mm | Pad | 16500 |
Bantex 8870-02 Memo Glass 30'S | Pad | 39000 |
Bantex 8871-00 Flexi Notes 653 | Pad | 4300 |
Bantex 8871-01 Flexi Notes 654 | Pad | 8400 |
Bantex 8871-02 Flexi Notes 655 | Pad | 15800 |
Bantex 8871-03 Flexi Notes 656 | Pad | 6600 |
Bantex 8871-04 Flexi Notes 657 | Pad | 11700 |
Bantex 8872-00 Index Tabs 25mm 5 Colour | Pack | 32900 |
Bantex 8873-00 Twin Tabs 40mm 5 Colour | Pack | 32900 |
Bantex 8875-00 Adhesive Filing Strips | Pcs | 26600 |
Bantex 8912-06 Paper Fancy Box File A4 9 cm | Pcs | 26300 |
Bantex 9300 2-Hole Metal Punch, Small | Pcs | 50800 |
Bantex 9303 Medium Perforator 2 - Punch | Pcs | 91100 |
Bantex 9304 Middle Duty 2 Holes Perforator | Pcs | 171700 |
Bantex 9306 2 - Hole Metal Punch Large | Pcs | 120500 |
Bantex 9319-00 Mini Punch | Pcs | 33500 |
Bantex 9328-10 4-Hole Perforator Black | Pcs | 258500 |
Bantex 9329-10 3-Hole Perforator Black | Pcs | 248500 |
Bantex 9330 Mini Stapler W/Staples No.10 | Pcs | 55500 |
Bantex 9330-62 Mini Stapler W/Staples No.10 Blueberry | Pcs | 55500 |
Bantex 9331-00 Stapler with Staples Chrome | Pcs | 47000 |
Bantex 9332 Pocket Stapler | Pcs | 29400 |
Bantex 9340 Stapler small with Rubber Handle | Pcs | 73800 |
Bantex 9342 Stapler Medium for 24/6 & 26/26 | Pcs | 121500 |
Bantex 9343 Stapler Large for 24/6 & 26/6 | Pcs | 145200 |
Bantex 9355-00 Staple Remover | Pcs | 11700 |
Bantex 9355-10 Staple Remover Black | Pcs | 11700 |
Bantex 9356 Staples Remover | Pcs | 48000 |
Bantex 9360-00 Staples No.10 | Set | 4000 |
Bantex 9361-00 Staples No.24/6 | Set | 7200 |
Bantex 9362-00 Staples No.26/6 | Set | 6500 |
Bantex 9750-07 Memo 1/2 Cube White 80 gr | Set | 32600 |
Bantex 9751-07 Memo Cube White 80 gr | Set | 56000 |
Bantex 9810 Letter Tray 9871 350 x 280 x 60 mm | Pcs | 33600 |
Bantex 9811-00 Set of 4 pins "Riser" | Set | 2800 |
Bantex 9812 Letter Tray 9815 set of 2 with risers | Set | 85400 |
Bantex 9815-10 Desk Manager Black | Pcs | 20600 |
Bantex 9820-10 Waste Paper Basket Black | Pcs | 203200 |
Bantex 9826-08 Organiser Document Tray Optima Transparant | Pcs | 87000 |
Bantex 9830 Desk Organizer Opaque | Pcs | 57400 |
Bantex 9851 Magazine File FC 10 cm | Pcs | 79200 |
Bantex 9870 Letter Tray | Pcs | 46900 |
Bantex 9872 Letter Tray Equipped with Riser & Desk Manager | Set | 118500 |
Bantex A084 Paket Ujian | Set | 25000 |
Bantex A085 Paket Ujian | Set | 34700 |
Bantex A125 Paket Ujian | Set | 24300 |
Bantex P352-07 Memo Cube Refill 1/2 | Set | 12800 |
Bantex P353-07 Memo Cube Refill-Full | Pcs | 25300 |
Bantex RB2035EW PP Pocket A4 0.06MM 20 Pcs | Pcs | 33000 |
Bantex Trendy 1446-01 LAF FC 7cm Blue | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1446-04 LAF FC 7cm Green | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1446-09 LAF FC 7cm Red | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1446-10 LAF FC 7cm Black | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1447-01 LAF FC 5cm Blue | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1447-04 LAF FC 5cm Green | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1447-09 LAF FC 5cm Red | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1447-10 LAF FC 5cm Black | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-01 LAF A5 7cm Blue | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-04 LAF A5 7cm Green | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-09 LAF A5 7cm Red | Pcs | 26500 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-10 LAF A5 7cm Black | Pcs | 26500 |
Daftar Harga Bantex 05
- Bantex 3431 PP Document File FC Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 23.300,00 Regular Price IDR 26.800,00
- Bantex 3230 Quotation Folder A4 Map Plastik DokumenSpecial Price IDR 7.200,00 Regular Price IDR 8.300,00
- Bantex 1453 Ordner A5 7 cm Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 34.000,00 Regular Price IDR 39.100,00
- Bantex Trendy 1446-01 LAF FC 7cm Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 8553 Insert Ring Binder 5225 FC 2D-52mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 53.900,00 Regular Price IDR 62.000,00
- Bantex 8610 Cardboard Divider A5 Potrait 5 DIV Karton Pemisah file 5 sekatSpecial Price IDR 6.000,00 Regular Price IDR 6.900,00
- Bantex 4011-11-Magazine File F4 10 cm Cobalt Blue Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex RB2035EW PP Pocket A4 0.06MM 20 Pcs Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 31.500,00 Regular Price IDR 36.300,00
- Bantex 2040 Pocket A4 0,06mm PP Clear (OHP) Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 141.000,00 Regular Price IDR 162.200,00
- Bantex 1465-13 Ordner FC 7 cm Beige Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 9361 Staples No.24/6 Isi StaplerSpecial Price IDR 7.000,00 Regular Price IDR 8.100,00
- Bantex 1465-04 Ordner FC 7 cm Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 5513 Flipover Presentation Binder A3 Landscape Blue or Black Map presentasiSpecial Price IDR 124.800,00 Regular Price IDR 143.600,00
- Bantex 1450-15 Ordner A4 7 cm Grass Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 1392 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 8 cm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 90.100,00 Regular Price IDR 103.700,00
- Bantex Trendy 1446-09 LAF FC 7cm Red Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 2090 Document Pocket A4 with Flap Kantong FileSpecial Price IDR 87.800,00 Regular Price IDR 101.000,00
- Bantex 4011-19 Magazine File F4 10 cm Pink Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1361-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 6 cm Grey Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 77.700,00 Regular Price IDR 89.400,00
- Bantex 4205 Clipboard FC Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 20.000,00 Regular Price IDR 23.000,00
- Bantex 2034 PP Pocket 100 x A4 in Box 0.05mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 93.000,00 Regular Price IDR 107.000,00
- Bantex 1465-61 Ordner FC 7 cm Grape Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 6218 Numerical Index A4, 1-15 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 28.100,00 Regular Price IDR 32.400,00
- Bantex 2037 PP Pocket A3 Landscape 0.12 mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 165.200,00 Regular Price IDR 190.000,00
- Bantex 9830 Desk Organizer Opaque Tempat StationerySpecial Price IDR 55.600,00 Regular Price IDR 64.000,00
- Bantex 9328 4-Hole Perforator Black Pembolong pelubang kertas 4 lubangSpecial Price IDR 249.000,00 Regular Price IDR 286.400,00
- Bantex 6210 Numerical Index A4, 1-10 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 19.500,00 Regular Price IDR 22.500,00
- Bantex 6241 Index Mylar A4, 1-12 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 23.400,00 Regular Price IDR 27.000,00
- Bantex 2070 Zipper Binder Pocket A5 PP Plastik folder seleting resealableSpecial Price IDR 11.700,00 Regular Price IDR 13.500,00
- Bantex 3147 PP Display Book A4 60's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 64.700,00 Regular Price IDR 74.500,00
- Bantex 8210-00 Glue Stick 8 Gr Lem kertasSpecial Price IDR 6.500,00 Regular Price IDR 7.500,00
- Bantex 8859 Business Card Dispenser Kotak pembagian kartu namaSpecial Price IDR 80.900,00 Regular Price IDR 93.100,00
- Bantex 1391-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm Grey Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 87.400,00 Regular Price IDR 100.600,00
- Bantex 4211 Clipboard FC with Cover Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 33.500,00 Regular Price IDR 38.600,00
- Bantex 8442 Ring Binder 1244 A4 4D-40mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 46.700,00 Regular Price IDR 53.800,00
- Bantex 3145 PP Display Book A4 40's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 55.500,00 Regular Price IDR 63.900,00
- Bantex 4011-61 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grape Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 2032 PP Pocket A5 / 0.08 mm Antiglare Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 123.900,00 Regular Price IDR 142.500,00
- Bantex 4011-04 Magazine File F4 10 cm Green Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8422 Ring Binder 1242 A4 4D-25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 39.300,00 Regular Price IDR 45.200,00
- Bantex 9329 3-Hole Perforator Black Pembolong pelubang kertas 3 lubangSpecial Price IDR 239.500,00 Regular Price IDR 275.500,00
- Bantex 4011-65 Magazine File F4 10 cm Lime Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1465-22 Ordner FC 7 cm Turquoise Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 9750 Memo 1/2 Cube White 80 gr Kertas MemoSpecial Price IDR 35.000,00 Regular Price IDR 40.300,00
- Bantex 4011-01 Magazine File F4 10 cm Blue Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8742 Insert Ring Binder 5221 A4 4D-40mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 52.700,00 Regular Price IDR 60.700,00
- Bantex 1465-2521 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Lilac Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 6013 PP Colour Divider A4 20 Divider Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 37.000,00 Regular Price IDR 42.600,00
- Bantex 6051 Carton Index A4 1-12 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 16.100,00 Regular Price IDR 18.600,00
- Bantex 8222 Ring Binder 1222 A4 2D-25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 30.900,00 Regular Price IDR 35.600,00
- Bantex 8662 Insert Ring Binder 5236 A4 3D-65mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 71.900,00 Regular Price IDR 82.700,00
- Bantex 9343 Stapler Large for 24/6 & 26/6 Stapler ukuran besarSpecial Price IDR 146.300,00 Regular Price IDR 168.300,00
- Bantex 9815 Desk Manager Black Plat nama fileSpecial Price IDR 20.000,00 Regular Price IDR 23.000,00
- Bantex 8073 Multiholes Zip Pocket B5 /PP material Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 10.000,00 Regular Price IDR 11.500,00
- Bantex 2071 Zipper Binder Pocket A4 PP Plastik folder seleting resealableSpecial Price IDR 16.600,00 Regular Price IDR 19.100,00
- Bantex 1465-62 Ordner FC 7 cm Blueberry Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8870-02 Memo Glass 30'S Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 6022 PP Colour Divider A4 12 Divider Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 24.300,00 Regular Price IDR 28.000,00
- Bantex 1465-23 Ordner FC 7 cm Sky Blue Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8855 Stand up Sign Holder A5 Akrilik display pajangan brosur promosiSpecial Price IDR 54.700,00 Regular Price IDR 63.000,00
- Bantex 5504 Flipover Presentation Binder A4 Potrait Blue/Black Map presentasiSpecial Price IDR 95.400,00 Regular Price IDR 109.800,00
- Bantex 4163 Deskpad Calendar Small Alas MejaSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 8872-00 Index Tabs 25mm 5 Colour Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 31.800,00 Regular Price IDR 36.600,00
- Bantex 6045 Carton Divider A4 5 Dividers Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 6.500,00 Regular Price IDR 7.500,00
- Bantex 7460 747 Desk Pad 63 x 46cm Alas MejaSpecial Price IDR 112.700,00 Regular Price IDR 129.700,00
- Bantex 3261 Clip File FC , Metal Clip Map Plastik DokumenSpecial Price IDR 14.600,00 Regular Price IDR 16.800,00
- Bantex 8875-00 Adhesive Filing Strips Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 25.800,00 Regular Price IDR 29.700,00
- Bantex Trendy 1448-10 LAF A5 7cm Black Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 2140 Business Card Pocket A4 PP Transparent Plastik album kartu namaSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 8263 Ring Binder 1226 FC 2D-65mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 55.800,00 Regular Price IDR 64.200,00
- Bantex 4011-22 Magazine File F4 10 cm Turquoise Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 5518 Paper Flipover A4 Map presentasiSpecial Price IDR 14.600,00 Regular Price IDR 16.800,00
- Bantex 3140 PP Display Book A4 10's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 23.300,00 Regular Price IDR 26.800,00
- Bantex 8815 Plastic Clipboard F4 Blue Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 29.000,00 Regular Price IDR 33.400,00
- Bantex 1132 Laminated Ring Binder F4 2O-25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 30.000,00 Regular Price IDR 34.500,00
- Bantex 2035EW PP Pocket A4 + 0.5 cm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 144.600,00 Regular Price IDR 166.300,00
- Bantex 6043 Carton Index A4 A-Z Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 25.900,00 Regular Price IDR 29.800,00
- Bantex 8512 Insert Ring Binder 5221 A4 2D-20mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 8221 Ring Binder 1222 A5 2D-25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 23.200,00 Regular Price IDR 26.700,00
- Bantex 1450-62 Ordner A4 7 cm Blueberry Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 1450-10 Ordner A4 7 cm Black Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 8871-02 Flexi Notes 655 Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 17.000,00 Regular Price IDR 19.600,00
- Bantex 4012-10 Magazine File A4 10 cm Black Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 41.200,00 Regular Price IDR 47.400,00
- Bantex 4240 A4 Clipboard with Cover Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 1312-01 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 10 cm Blue Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 113.000,00 Regular Price IDR 130.000,00
- Bantex 2035 PP Pocket A4 Antiglare 0.06mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 134.200,00 Regular Price IDR 154.400,00
- Bantex 8562 Insert Ring Binder 5226 A4 2D-65mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 56.700,00 Regular Price IDR 65.300,00
- Bantex 4011-05 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grey Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00